Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

When you consume True Fine Wines you get to enjoy the true benefits and advantages of wine: Better Quality of Life and Better Health.

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Fine Wines
  • Exquisite True Fine Wines – These are not your average wines easily found at local stores. Typically, they come with a hefty price tag, ranging from $125 to over $1000 per bottle when purchased at retail. While they are certainly worth the investment, there is a more accessible approach, as you’ve just seen above! By registering here at True Fine Wines, you’ll be alerted about these exclusive offerings with special access as soon as they become available.
  • Exceptional Pairings – The combination of these True Fine Wines with meticulously chosen food pairings elevates the entire tasting experience to new heights. These moments are not only unforgettable but also timeless, deserving to be cherished and passed down through generations. (Refer below for more details on Food and Wine Pairings).
  • Cherished Moments with Loved Ones – There are several ways to enjoy these moments. Our personal favorite? A romantic “Wine Event” with your significant other. Alternatively, spend an enjoyable evening, afternoon, or full day with your closest ones—family, friends, or friends who are like family.

These experiences create unique moments “Where Things Are Simply Different”. The magic of wine unfolds when True Fine Wine, superb food pairings, and the company of loved ones come together. Given the exclusivity of these wines, only those on the Exclusive List will have access to them. Each release presents a special opportunity to enjoy or share (the choice is yours) these unique experiences.

Stemming from Simple to Sophisticated layouts, a well-assembled charcuterie board should include a variety of cheeses, nuts, dried fruits, crackers, jams, jellies, chocolates, an assortment of meats (both salty and savory), one or more types of honey, fresh berries, as well as pickles and vegetables. These selections are great for guests to sample small tastes that complement the wines they are being paired with.

What Wines to Pair?

While any selection from our exclusive True Fine Wines can enhance this setup, here are a few specific recommendations to elevate your food and wine experience:

Begin with a glass of More Than Muse or Tanya Ricord Rosé—both are excellent choices for a start. These lighter wines set the perfect stage before progressing to the richer, bolder options like:

  • Tanya Ricord Moscato or
  • Tanya Ricord Pinot Grigio.
  • Then stepping into the More Than Muse Sauvignon Blanc
  • or More Than Muse Chenin Blanc.
  • Then enjoy the More Than Muse Chardonnay.
  • and transition into the Nile Eddy Pinot Grigio,
  • and Donna Walker Cabernet Sauvignon.
  • Add the Linda Horn Cabernet Franc
  • and ultimately The Ricord Merlot.
    — All I can say is “Hmmmmm”

The above experience allows you to indulge in unforgettable “Tastes and Flavor Parties” to be enjoyed by all.

You can simply Pre-Dish the food items and serv them as “small plates” for your guests. This is also a perfect option when it is “just for two” or a few friends or family. It is perfect for a Wine-tasting event that features many varietals of wine during the evening.

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